Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Pride, My Pride, My Beautiful Pride!

In the beginning of February I was getting the mail and I slipped on the ice and fell pretty hard. I laid on the ground for a while trying to assess my injuries feeling very concerned for my overly abused leg. I made it inside and made a doctors appointment for my leg to have all of the hardware in my leg checked out ( I have broken screws in my leg before!). The next morning I told Nathan that my leg actually felt okay and my wrist was bothering me more than anything. I still went to the doctors appointment and as anticipated, the leg was totally fine. Just a good scrape and bruise.

Sorry this is a long story, but you have to understand why my pride has been so damaged.

For the past 4 weeks Nathan has been telling me to go get my wrist checked out. He thought it was broken. I kept saying, "No, it's just a little sprain". Well, my "little sprain" has been getting, well, not any better, so I made an appointment to get it checked out.

The doctor took some x-rays and then showed me not one broken bone but two! I started laughing and he asked me why. I said, "I just lost a bet."

Turns out Nathan was right.
I have been laughing all day over the fact that I am more bothered that I was wrong than I am that I now have a cast on my arm.


Sister Mullen said...

Broken wrists run in the family! John says they take a long time to heal. He should know. He got tired of wearing his cast and cut it off with a can opener. Don't do that okay?!! Glad you're on your way to getting better.

Kate said...

Oh no!!! That is so sad!

I guess Nathan of all people would know lots about broken wrists-- hasn't he had 2 of the them?

I hope it feels better soon!

Ben & Rachel said...

You should always listen to Nathan!

Jennifer said...

You poor thing. Not only the broken wrist but the broken pride!!! :( I can't believe you survived that long with a broken wrist!!! Holy cow!

Melanie said...

Sarah! What is this!? You are such a trooper- a broken wrist and you don't even bat an eyelash! You crack me up!

Trent and Meg said...

Oh that is so funny :D No worries about being just reminds me of when we were at Classic Skating and Nathan left with a broken wrist :D Way to be such a trooper :D

Becky said...

That is an awesome story! Sorry about your wrist though. Hope it heals quickly and you didn't have too much riding on the bet.

Muria said...

Oh Sarah, We love you!!!

Sarah said...

Oh no! Seeeeeeee???? I'm not the only one to get a black cast! It looks so sleek. I hope it heals quickly for you!