Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Our Anniversary is coming up and I can't believe that we have been married for 3 years. The time has gone so fast. I have never been more happy than I am with Nathan. I am lucky to have him. Sometimes I still catch myself thinking, "I can't believe I am actually married to Nathan" He is a very patient, kind, giving person. So here are some fun pictures from when we were dating, When we got engaged, and when we got married!

Rasberry Jam was the first thing we realized that we both loved. Usually food conversations showed us that we were very different. When We discovered that we both liked Jam, we were in the grocery store so we took a picture and decided that if Jam was the only food we could agree on, it was enough for us.

He makes me laugh, He lets me cry and I am glad I get to spend forever with him!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas is coming!!!

We love Christmas time! Molly is decked out and ready to celebrate!

And it finally started to snow and get cold. Nathan took Molly outside and she loved it. She loves the wind and getting wet. She will turn her face right in to the wind and laugh. Silly little girl. The wind was 55 miles per hour so the snow didn't even have a chance to land on the ground. It is hard to see, but the snow is going completely side ways! We are really starting to understand that winter here is going to be cold! Our window in the kitchen is frozen shut and the ice is on the inside too. It really is cold!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


We spent Thanksgiving in Michigan at Sarah's Aunt's house. We had a great time getting to know everyone better and just hanging out.

Ben, Rebecca, Christie, Chris, Molly and Jackie

Chris Carving the turkey

Cousin Lois pulled everything together. She and Aunt Bimby masterminded the whole day!

Molly loved the dog. Surprise, surprise!

Janice doing a taste test

Before we drove back to Indiana we went over to the Valentine farm. It was so amazingly beautiful. They took us on a tour and we left with wheat from their fields and honey from their beehives!

Us with cousin Linda

Rebecca, Christie, Chris, Molly, Sarah, Nathan and Jackie

Heading out on the tour.
We had such a good time with everyone. We just wished that we could have stayed longer!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crazy Curls!

Molly's hair is starting to get out of control. I love her curls, but they tend to get very frizzy. I e-mailed my friend Sara and asked her what she does with her daughter Makenna who has curls a lot like Molly's. She told me she used spray gel. So we tried it out!

Crazy little curls that match her personality perfectly! Thanks Sara!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Molly's Room

About a month ago I woke up to a big thud followed by screaming. Molly had climbed out of her crib. She was a little less graceful then she had hoped but, she was successful in getting us to take the bar off her bed. I decided to re-arrange her whole room and finally finish the "M-O-L-L-Y" letters for her wall. ( I bought them last February) So here she is in her room

Now we don't get woken up by a thud and screaming, but we do get woken up by little pitter patter coming towards our room...VERY early in the morning. She is loving her new freedom. I am missing her crib!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Tomorrow

This is where I was 6 years ago on halloween. When I look at this picture, I can remember so clearly how I felt. I remember feeling so happy that Samantha was holding my hand. She did not hand out affection easily. That was the day I had finally entered the inner circle in her life. I had worked so hard to win that little girl over. I remember walking down that road by Deric and Muria's house and loving all the colors from the autumn leaves. I remember how good the cold air felt. Photos are such a great way of remembering events in our lives. They have a way of taking us back to that very moment when they were taken. I dont remember once feeling that I should appreciate how great it was to walk without pain or how lucky I was to have a healthy body. If I felt anything about my body on that day I am sure it was something negative.

This is where I was 6 years ago today. While I am sure most of you are sick and tired of hearing about the accident, I will never stop talking about it. It was the day my whole life turned around. Physically for the worse and emotionally and spiritually for the better. While looking at this picture brings back feelings I dont like to feel, I would not change what happened. I have gained so much more than I have lost.

I still have daily reminders of that Novemeber 1st six years ago. I feel a little twinge inside me when I see that first picture because I didnt know what was about to happen. That was the day I learned that you never know what tomorrow will bring. One of my tomorrows brought a terrible car accident but another one brought me an amazing husband, a great little girl, new friends, opportunities, and so much more.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

More Little Ladybug

We took her out trick or treating for a few minutes. She was very confused, but we all had a good time!

Happy Halloween!!!!

Grana turned Molly in to a cute little lady bug!

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Puppies and Pillows

Have we mentioned Molly is obsessed with dogs! Grana and Tibu sent her these little puppies, and Grana made each one a little puppy bed. Molly LOVES them! She kisses them and puts them to bed, and sometimes just carries them around. I would love to know what goes on in her head as she plays with these puppies.

Every morning Molly and I have a making the bed game. I pretend I cant find her as I make the bed on top of her and then when I do find her, she has to be plopped down in the center of the pillows. Sometimes she will stay there for quite a while just relaxing in the pillows!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I would love to post some great pictures with Molly and the pumpkins, but she couldn't have cared less about the pumpkins. She LOVED the dirt!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Photo session with Tara

One of my best friends took these pictures while we were out in California. She is a great photographer, and I am so grateful she took the time to take some pictures of Molly. It was so much fun to spend time with her and watch her. She is very talented.