Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More pictures of Molly! (can you tell we're first-time parents?)

As first-time parents often do, we've taken lots of pictures. Here are some of them...

Here's Molly lying on the "blanket of death" (it's made of a very slippery material).

Here's Nathan holding Molly.

Here's Molly in her new car seat. This was our second attempt--we bought one and took it back (because both Molly and her mom hated it). We like this one much better.

Here's Molly scrunched into a little ball. Sarah loves it when Molly does this.

Here's Molly with her two Grandmas.

Here's Grammie Pammie holding Molly.

Here's Gram reading Molly her very first story.

While not the highest quality picture, we thought that this one was cute. Molly has dimples!


Cameron's Corner said...

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, I have never seen your mom look so happy. Molly is so stinkin cute! I cant stand it. Good work on that one. I love your guts.

Margaret said...

YAY! PLEASE keep posting pictures! She is just so darling!

james and tara said...

SOOOOO Cute. I can't wait to see you when you eventually get out here.

Cameron's Corner said...

When Tyton was blessed we had a blessing outfit that was made of the same material as your "blanket of death". It was pretty scary having a dozen uncoordinated old dudes trying to hold a slippery baby with one hand.

Kate said...

more pictures please!

30 year-old Dad said...

well congratulations! i have to say: you guys did a great job on that baby girl. she is a cutie!

Charlie and Amparo said...

when are you guys going to post more pics of M&M?