The weather people have been forecasting a big storm where we're at. It started snowing tonight, and is supposed to snow harder tomorrow and Wednesday. We may even get a little bit of an ice storm. We'll see what actually happens. Here's what it looked like a few minutes ago.

wow seem like we are world apart! I miss snowy days! we had some a few months ago but I need a couple more before we just go to straight rain!
Oooh, good luck! I was just thinking that any blog post called "It starts..." can't be good. And I was right. We are also awaiting a storm, even though we're on the other side of the country! It's 12 degrees right now, and we're supposed to get about a foot in 24 hours, starting tomorrow. Yick! I hope you post pictures of whatever you get!
I hope you have some good food, good movies, and some good magazines! Good Luck!
We're in it too! Here's hoping for campus to shut down tomorrow! :)
Can't say I'm jealous, but I know you like the snow. Hooray!
Why AM I up at 5:42am anyway?
Hope you have extra hot chocolate on hand :)
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