We are still alive! It has been a while since we have posted, but Molly came down with a high fever for no reason and then Sarah had surgery to remove a bunch of kidney stones (nine), and then we had to figure out what was going on with Molly when the fever was still there ten days later, and to finish with a bang, we all came down with a really bad cold or something that knocked us all off our feet. The good news is we are all on the mend. They didnt find out why she had a fever for so long, but she is better and back to herself now. Sarah is stone free, and Nathan is getting some sanity back with his girls feeling better. Now he just needs to kick his cold. Thankfully Sarah's mom came out and took care of us all. She stayed with Molly during the surgery and we were so grateful she was here becasue Sarah ended up staying the night in the hospital due to complications and she fought them the whole way because she didn't want to leave Molly for a whole night. She gave in because the nurse pointed out she was probably having more fun with Grammie anyway.
Since pictures of sickness and misery are not fun to look at, we decided to post a picture of what Molly did most of our time in So. Cal. over New Years. Hannah got the sweetest dog and She and Molly and Peter had a great time together! ( As a side note, they are not locked in this cage. They put themselves in there and we found them this way.)
1 day ago
Glad to hear you are all feeling bette. Molly and Peter look happy to be snuggled in with a good friend. I see a dog in your future!
OH boy, that doesn't sound like fun. Especially the kidney stones, but hopefully that surgery will help and the stones will never come back!!
Wow! I am so glad you are all doing better! Sarah, I'm so sorry you had to have surgery that is so rough and I hope your recovery has been good. I love you so much!
P.S. Sarah, I always think of you now when I'm watching the Olympics (I'm very excited that they're coming up soon!). Ever since we watched them together when I stayed with you for Education Week. What fun times we had. I'm so glad I got to do that with you!
Oh, SO sorry!!! That sounds awful! (I just accidentally typed "owful" at first. Maybe that's a pretty good description.) Hope you're all well!
Hi guys, so good to hear from you and grateful that everyone is on the mend. So grateful for moms...they are the best, aren't they?? :)
I am SO sorry. That sounds horrible. I am so glad you are all feeling better.
I can't believe how grown-up Molly is getting:)
I hope you guys are all feeling better!
I think you will end up with a dog! Molly looks SOOOO happy to be in there:)
Glad to hear you guys are better. We had not known what you all were going through, and I can empathize with not wanting to leave Molly.
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