This is where I was 6 years ago on halloween. When I look at this picture, I can remember so clearly how I felt. I remember feeling so happy that Samantha was holding my hand. She did not hand out affection easily. That was the day I had finally entered the inner circle in her life. I had worked so hard to win that little girl over. I remember walking down that road by Deric and Muria's house and loving all the colors from the autumn leaves. I remember how good the cold air felt. Photos are such a great way of remembering events in our lives. They have a way of taking us back to that very moment when they were taken. I dont remember once feeling that I should appreciate how great it was to walk without pain or how lucky I was to have a healthy body. If I felt anything about my body on that day I am sure it was something negative.

This is where I was 6 years ago today. While I am sure most of you are sick and tired of hearing about the accident, I will never stop talking about it. It was the day my whole life turned around. Physically for the worse and emotionally and spiritually for the better. While looking at this picture brings back feelings I dont like to feel, I would not change what happened. I have gained so much more than I have lost.

I still have daily reminders of that Novemeber 1st six years ago. I feel a little twinge inside me when I see that first picture because I didnt know what was about to happen. That was the day I learned that you never know what tomorrow will bring. One of my tomorrows brought a terrible car accident but another one brought me an amazing husband, a great little girl, new friends, opportunities, and so much more.
We love you
Thanks for always sharing your experiences with this! It has helped me grow spiritually, as I am sure it has many others.
I don't know anything about your accident, except that it happened. Maybe you could tell me about it someday. Maybe that's far fetched, (that we might ever be together with time to talk about that) but if it ever happens, I would love to know about your experience since I can feel the impact it had on your life. Take care!
That was a horrible day. It is always an amazing picture to look at and realize that you 2 are in that vehicle.
The amazing part is how you always overcome your trials and how you can always flip the bad into something good. Not everybody can do that.
That was a beautiful post!!! I know from experience about life-changing moments. You really can't help talking about them!! They are enormous, and they change your life so they will always be enormous. I feel like I always talk about the same thing, too, but when one event turns your world upside down, and changes the way you look at everything from that point on, that's just how it is. Anyway, I am glad that you have had (and have MADE) such positive experiences from such a horrible thing. Thanks for the great post!
My life changing moment came when my Dad died, and I will never stop talking about him. I know a little bit about your accident, and you are an example of turning tragedy into triumph. Thanks so much for sharing. People need to know that you can overcome anything!
Wow, that second picture is so frightening. I know that every experience in our life happens for a reason. You have truly blessed so many people's lives because of how you have come through and made that trial a triumph.
Dear my friend,
Thank you so much for sharing that picture. I'm so grateful we got to be in the same ward while you were going through so much physical therapy/rehab. Thanks for showing me how to push forward when it would've been much easier to take a rest. Thank you for impacting my life and many others.
Love you!
That is a crazy picture!
I am so grateful for you and for all you are to our family!
Wow, what a great post. I think as long as you are continuing to grow and learn from them you should never stop talking about life defining experiences. You are one amazing chick! I only wish our daughters could have acted like small domestic animals more often together as they get older. :)
I am crying- I knew of the accident, of course, the first time I had seen you in years you showed up in a wheelchair but I never imagined the scene. I am so grateful that you had a November 2nd and that you have so many more tomorrows. Volim te, Zauvijek ces bit moja Sestra.
What an amazing post, Sarah. I am so glad I know you.
Oh, Sarah! I never saw a picture of the van after the accident! I admit, I cried when I saw it. I think because I know in just a minute portion what you went through to recover. I'm SO sad that that happened to you and your family, but I will forever be grateful that everyone is safe and that I was able to meet you!
Gasp! That is so terrible. Someday I want to hear about it and how much your beautiful life has changed. I think you are an incredible person. Your family it precious.
I can't believe it's been 6 years! You are an inspiration to my family. I heard you moved to Indiana - I used to visit there alot - if you haven't done it already, there is (was) an amazing children's museum in Indianapolis you should check out!
Love you!
Laura (Hayner)
I love you, Sarah! Anything else I want to say sounds too cliche, but know that you are part of my testimony of how good can rise from the ashes of bad.
Has is really been six years? You are amazing. I feel blessed to have been part of the journey you've had in getting you to where you are now. It's no coincidence we were roommates. We needed each other. I love you and can't wait to see you at christmas!
Hi sarah.
What a terrible day you must have had. I have not heard anything about that... I can only imangie..
Cute blog.. how are you guys doing??
This is such a well-written, thought-provoking post. I read it several days ago and am coming back to comment. It is amazing to look at the first picture and realize how you had no idea your life would change forever. How you weren't thinking about being grateful to be able to walk freely. Thanks for such a poignant reminder to treasure and be grateful for every minute and every person in our lives.
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