While everyone celebrates labor day, our house will be celebrating the birth of my awesome husband!

He is an amazing father. Molly adores Nathan. I love watching her get so excited when he comes home. She follows him around everywhere and generally prefers him over me. They read books and go on walks and spend a lot of time together.

He went out to mow the lawn a few days ago and she was devastated that he was leaving so she sat and watched him.

Every time he would get close to the window she would pop up and start screaming.

I adore him as well. I am grateful for a husband that I not only love but I LIKE him too. He is easy to be around and the most unselfish person I know. He is my best friend and I have almost forgiven him for making me wait two years before we started dating...almost.
My kids always preferred Dad too - not fair! Happy Birthday to Nathan and sometime I want to know why you had to wait to years to date him :)
Happy Birthday Nathan!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATHAN!! And Sarah, all I have to say is: I MISS YOU!!! I am SO sorry I haven't called/written you eons ago! But know that you guys are always in my thoughts (for example: this morning, I was doing the dishes and I thought "I really need to email Sarah and see how she's doin!")
And lastly, YOU LOOK AB-SO-LUTE-LY GORGEOUS in that last pic of you and Nathan - SO BEAUTIFUL inside and out! I love you! Muah!
Love the picture of Molly at the window and Nate with the mower on the other side of the glass! Happy Birthday, Nathan... We're glad you're with Sarah, but we're glad we got you first. You are one of our dearest joys. Love you lots, Mom and Dad
Happy Birthday Nate! We have tried calling twice on Skype, but you keep avoiding us:)
Have a good day!!!
Waaaay too cute!!!
Happy Birthday Nathan. We are so lucky to have you in our family, and so grateful that Sarah got such a great guy (although we think that you are really the lucky one!!) Love you guys, and love the pic of Molly.
Happy Birthday! So grateful I know you both and got to watch you both grow together a little bit while we were in the ward together. I'm so glad I found your blog from Miss Michelle--and so glad you two are doing well and having so many fun adventures. I can't wait to meet Miss Molly in person!!
Happy Birthday Nathan! I love the picture of Molly at the window.
That is awesome and I just love all the pictures. The ones of Molly and Nathan while he's mowing the lawn are priceless. :) We think he's pretty wonderful, too, and wish Preston had gotten to spend more than a few weeks with Nathan in YM.
Was it really two years? That little bugger. But he was worth the wait, right? You two are so cute and that is such a great pic.
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