She's still not crawling correctly. The good news is that she doesn't just push herself backwards now, she actually crawls backwards. We spend a good amount of time pulling her our from under the couch or coffee table! Hopefully she will figure it out!

Sarah's Aunt sent Molly this cute little stool with her name in puzzle pieces!
Molly really liked it. You can see she is quite fascinated with her tongue too!
Thanks for having us over for dinner. The food was delicious and we had a great time. Molly is too cute for words. Is that kid ever not happy?
her tongue is awesome! Cute bench/stool!
Molly is adorable. What a happy kid!
Now is when the real work begins. Chasing baby!
That kid is so cute! I can't wait to see her in a few weeks!
haha! how cute!!
She is so cute! She must get it from her aunt.
Oh my gosh...I found Molly's twin!
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