Sorry it has been so long since we last posted. Sarah and Molly were in California helping Sarah's sister-in-law with their new baby.
Molly's cousin Peter wanted to hold her. He is not much bigger than she is. It was pretty cute to watch though.
We had a great time out there. My sister in law Rachel is an amazing person. I love spending time with her.
Thanks for letting us come out to help!
Molly looks so cute and proud to be holding her cousin! What a great kid!
I love all the pictures! Especially the last one of Molly holding her cousin. I can't wait to see MOLLY!!!! I miss you guys!!!
That is a million dollar smile Miss Molly has, especially when she is holding baby Grant. She seems to prefer holding to being held and the real baby to the replica. Smart kid. Thanks for the post. It was fun to see little Grant too. What a sweet baby. Congratulations to all!
it was so great to see you! I can't wait until Christmas and hopefully spend some more time with my fellow sestra! A friend of mine just named their baby Grant as well. I was her nurse in the hospital and I figured she couldn't name her son after the nurse, so she named him after the nurse's husband!
Number 1: Molly is THE HAPPIEST baby I have EVER seen! I love it!
Number 2: I just remembered yesterday that I was supposed to call you on my way back from Utah! Over a month ago! I am SO, SO sorry, Sarah! I COMPLETELY spaced it :( I REALLY miss you, and I need your number! (I still have your old one saved to my phone :/) Anyways, I love you and miss you and I hope we can talk soon!
PS - less than 3 weeks to go! :D
Haha! I thought that doll was the new baby for a second!
Cute pictures!
Molly is just such a cute smiley girl! It's fun to see her getting bigger!
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