It's hard to believe that Molly is six months! How time flies!

So far she has only tollerated a few bites of food, but this day, she devoured the squash! Then she started spitting when she was done!

You can tell we are first time parents because we think the spitting is funny!

I was trying to get a picture of her new teeth, but she threw a fit. I had to laugh because the fit lasted maybe 15 seconds, but there were tears and all! Can anyone say...drama queen!

Okay now she is fine! I just love the tear mark on her cheek!
I can't believe she is 6 months old. Those are wonderful pictures! She is so grown up!
We LOVE Molly LOTS!!
And of course we love you both!
What are you doing to your baby? Stop torturing her!
1st of all! Yea! I'm glad I found you! 2nd of all! Your daughter is SO cute! 3rd item of busy, where did you get the cute blog template? Next, you're life is WAY more exciting than mine. :) I'm living outside of Reno, NV in a place called Fallon. I finished school and was recruited to help start-up a clinic here. I've been here for 3 years, but I am SO ready to leave. No husband or kiddos for me yet. Um...that's about it. I have a blog too. It's Oh, Stacie Giles is engagged. She was wondering if I was still in-touch with you and I told her that I wasn't and that's what started me searing for you. :) She wanted to let you know about her en-gag-ment, so when she tells you, be surprised. Fill me in on your life! It was good to hear from you!
Baby girls are drama queens! That is so funny. I love the crying pic. That'll be a good one for the wedding video.
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