Nathan hates it when I put "cheesy" stuff up on our blog. So I have decided to not consult him on this posting. He is such an amazing person, husband and father I feel like he deserves a little credit! So if you are like Nathan and you don't like the cheese...go ahead and skip this one!
Nathan truly loves his little girl. I couldn't ask for a better father for Molly! He is kind, compassionate, loving, gentle and good. He sets a great example with his life and the way he has chosen to live. Since this is the first father's day I have ever celebrated for a father in my life, I cant help but be grateful. I am so lucky to have him as a husband and Molly is equally as lucky to have him as a father. When she was born, the first thing I told her when I was alone with her was how lucky she was because she has the best daddy in the world.
Just kidding. That Nathan guy sounds like a nice fellow.
I agree with the previous posting, that Nathan guy... he sounds okay. It's wonderful to see your children love their children. You are all three blessed. p.s. That Molly girl... the cutest!
I love her shorts and her polo shirt.
It's no fair to make my cry at work. I love you guys, and I MISS YOU SARAH!!!
That is the sweetest thing. Hooray for wonderful husbands. I love the people that raised these kind men. There's nothing better. Molly is a lucky, lucky girl.
This is so sweet! I love that first picture of her looking up at him from the hospital bed.
Oh..and I love your new blog look, too.
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