Molly had her two-month checkup on Friday. We learned that she is in the 95th percentile for height and head, and 90th perecentile for weight. She's gained three pounds since birth and rocketed from 20.5 inches tall at birth to a towering 24 inches.
Of course, we've posted more pictures of Molly...

We've somewhat recently begun dressing Molly in something other than pajamas. She loves hanging out in Daddy's arms.

Smiley time!

Sarah bought this outfit for Molly. Yes, we do think she's adorable :-)

As you can see, her eyes take up half her head.

Molly has moved from sleeping in our room to sleeping in her own. She actually seems to sleep a little bit better in her own room. Last night she slept from 10pm to 7am. Woo Hoo! I guess that makes up for the minimal sleeping she does during the day.
On the way to the doctor's office to get shots, Molly started coughing. The combined effects of her cold and vaccinations have made her feel (and sound) a little miserable.
Look at you, getting Molly to sleep in her own room; you must tell me your secrets. I hope she feels better soon, poor little girl. Sarah, who do you think molly looks like? I love her big eyes, she is so cute.
Love you all.
Yeah for sleeping through the night! Sorry to hear she is sick though, that is never fun. She is so darling, we love seeing the updates!
I would sleep better too if I didn't have to listen to Nate's snoring. :)(love ya bro)
She is very cute! I love the pictures in the pink hoodie!
I think babies just look so cute in non-pj clothes. And in the tradition of only leaving comments on the most recent posting, Sarah - congrats on beating Super Mario Bros. I'm proud of you too. My NES skills are unfortunately no longer honed - a couple months ago I tried a time attack and couldn't even beat it after a couple tries. Perhaps another duel is in order - sounds like 5:56 is the time to beat. And yes, I was nerdy to watch part of the video (at least I only watched the first level).
And Molly is super cute too. :)
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