The local radio station was offering tickets to Legoland in exchange for toys, so we took advantage of their offer. Everitt, Belinda, Frances and Madeline all came down to go with us.

It was pouring rain the day we decided to go, but we went anyway.

We were not sure of the height requirement on this ride so Nathan stood in line in case a kid needed him to go on with them. Madeline went with Everitt and Frances and Liam were allowed to go together so Nathan went by himself. He really made the best of this ride meant for little kids!

At one point is was raining so hard we all sought cover, but not Madeline. She was out there playing in the water. She was soaked, but it was very entertaining watching her.
Molly really wanted to go on this ride which was not very scary at all. She had already been on a roller coaster.
Now before you start feeling bad for her because her parents made her go on a scary ride she didn't want to go on, you must know that these crocodile tears were because she didn't want to put on the seat belt.
She zonked out.
It was a lot of fun even with all of the rain. We had a great time spending the day with Everitt and Belinda and their kids. It happened to be Everitt's birthday that same day. I couldn't be happier to have a brother like Everitt. He is an amazing man and I am lucky to have him in my life!